Upstate NY Babies

telling my boss (XP from PGAL)... opinions?

I always see lots of thought provoking discussions and great advice on this board, so I would love to hear what you lovely ladies have to say on this subject.  I know when to tell, who to tell, what to say, etc is a very personal decision, but I feel like I am in a bit of a pickle and would love to hear some thoughts. Warning... this got longer than I thought... sorry!

I work in a hospital and have worked in the same position as a secretary for about 5 years.  On Jan 30th, I will be transitioning to my new job as an RN on one of our post op floors (same hospital).  I will be almost 15 weeks when I start on the floor.

I had to (grudgingly) tell my current boss about my pregnancy d/t to bleeding that I had last week and the need to sneak out of the office for an appointment.  I did not plan to tell anyone until 2nd tri and especially not her... she is the queen of gossip and office drama (she actually told several people about my m/c... still pissed about that).  I asked her to please keep it quiet, because we had not even told family yet (other than parents) and she agreed to respect that (not sure whether I believe this, but whatever).

Anyway, so... I have not told my new boss yet that we are expecting and I am really unsure when would be appropriate to tell her. 

-I don't want to say anything before I even get there, but I am a little nervous that my current boss won't be able to contain the latest and greatest juicy office gossip and that my new boss will hear it from someone other than me- which is not ok. 

-I don't really want to spill the beans as soon as I start my new job (thanks for hiring me, oh btw, I'm totes knocked up and will be taking maternity leave over the summer, k thanks!)...

-and I don't want to wait until the last minute to say something and put them in a bind for summer vacations, etc.

So... when would you tell?  Thoughts, opinions?  If you were my new boss- when would you appreciate hearing the news?  Before I start, right away or closer to my EDD?  

Any thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated... and for reading this monster drawn out question, may I offer you some delicious looking homemade mac-n-cheese?

Civil War Macaroni and Cheese


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