Single Parents

Requesting a review

So here is my scenario. DD's BD at the time of the original child support agreement was not employed. So he got stuck with the state minimum of 50$ a month. Well, when he joined the navy the navy said he would be paying the 50$ of child support and then I get the dependents portion of his housing allowance (since it is for the dependent). So that is like an extra 250$ a month for me. The navy said it is not considered child support since he wouldn't even be getting a housing allowance if it wasn't for the dependent. So because he donated sperm he gets an extra 1000$ to his pay for housing that he doesn't need because he lives in the barracks with the other single guys.

Well, since circumstances have changed with me. I was thinking of going to the state to review what he is paying for child support. Since by the state calculator my state posted online he should be paying me more to the tune of 500$ not 50$. He also hasn't called, texted, or even gotten DD a birthday or christmas present. We are hoping that my FI will legally adopt her in the next few years so we never have see or talk to BD again. So with all these circumstances. Would you ask for a review or not? 

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