Babies: 0 - 3 Months


I noticed yesterday morning that my LO (4 weeks) started coughing randomly. We went to visit my mother and grandmother later that afternoon and he seemed to be coughing more often.

He slept for a long stretch when we go home early that evening. By last night he was coughing, sneezing and very congested. He didn't sleep well at all last night and I was up with him most of the night as he was fussy and miserable. I ended up getting him to sleep for 4 hours in his swing while I laid on the couch keeping an eye on him.

I talked to our doc office this morning and they said that he did not need to be seen unless he had a fever greater then 100.4 (at 4am it was 99.5) or if his cough continued for more then 3 days.

I feel awful for him as he just seems so unhappy. Is there anything I can do to help him feel better on speed up his healing process.

I am trying to get him to nurse more frequently (to make sure he is staying well hydrated), having him sleep more elevated and using the bulb syringe to clear out his boogers. I also put him in the bathroom with me when I showered and ran the water nice and hot so it was steamy in there. Thinking the moist warm air would help brake up the mucous?


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