Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Your bedtime schedule and routine

FTM and trying to figure everything out. We try to give LO a bath in the evenings before her last feeding before bed. I would like to get to the point where shes in bed by 8 but if shes not ready to fall asleep I dont put her down. The times I have tried, she doesnt cry just kinda talks and looks around but I still feel quilty and pick her right back up. She is still in her P&P in our room as well, I dont know when I should start putting her in her crib at night?

When did you mommies start putting LO on a strict bed time schedule and how did you do it? And how old was LO before you put them in there own room if you did have them in your room? I should probably add that Arianna is 2 months old tomorrow. I know its early but I dont have any kind of guidline. My parents did things way different then me :)

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