Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What is considered normal for spit up?

DD is at her first day of home care. She's the only baby there and her caretaker is a very grandma-like figure who likes to "offer" suggestions (we spent 2 hours with her yesterday and she "offered" a lot, lol). I'm totally fine with it because it makes me feel comfortable to know that she is paying that close of attention and has such experience. Anyway, I called at lunch to see how DD was doing and she said great. She mentioned that she burped really well after eating and has passed plenty of gas, but still spit up when she put her down on the floor to play. She said maybe we should look into switching formula. Well, that's always been the norm for us - it doesn't really matter how long it's been since she has eaten, she still spits up a little when she gets flat on her back. I'm not talking a fountain or projectile or anything.. just some that runs out of the corner of her mouth. I always considered it normal but her suggestion on switching formula has me wondering... What's "normal" for babies when it comes to spit up?


Btw, if you read about my daycare drama on Tues & yesterday, we *did* get our money back for the month after calling the director out on a lie. She said it was in our contract that we couldnt get a refund but there was no such thing in it. According to her it was just our lucky day.  Moron.

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