2nd Trimester


Traditions..  So this is mine and my DH's first baby and I've been thinking about cool/special traditions to start as a family.  My boss gave me a great idea, which sounds really sweet, let me share!

At Christmas my boss got me a glass pink pacifier ornament for the Christmas Tree.  The other day she told me what she did for her daughter (who is now about 30 and getting married).  Every year she bought her daughter an ornament, the ornament would be based on a milestone from that year.  Like if she took up dance, she would get tap shoes, or if they went on a trip, she would get something that represents that trip.  Every time she got a new ornament, she would write on an index card the story behind it.  A year ago she gave her daughter her all the ornaments and the stories behind them all.

I think that was very thoughtful of my boss to share that and start the first one for me! I am doing this for sure!

So what are you all thinking?  Do you have anything neat planned?

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