Babies: 0 - 3 Months

LO's crib is in downstairs bedroom, what to do?

We live in a tri-level home and my LO's room is on the 2nd level and DH & I are on the 3rd.  My initial plan was to have LO sleep in her PnP in our room for awhile then transition to the crib w/a monitor in the room.  She's 3 mos now and just started sleeping good in her crib during naps but I'm afraid to let her sleep overnight in it.  I have a king-size bed in her room, so I can sleep in there with her but I don't want to have to sleep apart from DH for months and months (actually, that might not be so bad because DH does snore loudly...LOL).  Where's your LO's room located and do you have any suggestions?
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