Upstate NY Babies

The battle over PJs has started

He doesn't want to change out of his PJ's in the morning. To the point where he screams bloody murder about not wanting to get dressed. It's been going on since we started back to school/work this week. Today, DH got him dressed, but he kept following me around the house with PJ's in hand telling me he wanted them back on. I told them that if he could get his clothes off and PJ's on before we had to leave, then he could wear them (knowing full well that doing this would be a struggle, but I was wondering if he could prove me wrong).

He got his jeans off with no problem, but it was funny watching him try to fit both legs through one pant hole and think it was cool to walk around like that. Needless to say, he was not ready in time, and surprisingly, was OK with putting his jeans back on.

Score one for Mommy, I guess, but how long does this phase last?

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