Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If you have an older child

DS1 has been doing great with DS2.  He is very interested in him, tries to be helpful and seems to like having him around.  He also has been really good with sharing both DH and me.  

The major issue we are having is with DS1's sleep.  He started having sleep problems before DS2 was actually born.  With the holidays and DH took some vacation time, DS1's sleep schedule has been all over the place.  Then when I went to the hospital, he's had lots of visitors, DH didn't keep our schedule.  Now DS1 is always overtired, not napping well and not wanting to go to bed at night.

Have you experienced anything like this when you brought your second child home?  How long did it take for your older child to adjust?  Any thoughts or suggestions?  TIA! 

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