Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How did you start cereal/ solids?

Someone asked about this earlier but I didn't want to hijack her thread with a couple different questions.  I'm making my own baby food, so I wanted to start getting ideas... Our Pedi said at 3mths we could start her on cereal, but she's STTN and she's only eating 5oz bottles, so we don't feel the need to start her yet.  Especially with all the diabetes, obesity talk, etc.  (She's 3 mths old today)  =)

So at 4 months (if you start), do you start with cereal just at night?  Try that for a week or so, then work your way to during the day feeding her cereal? 

Then after she's achieved that do you introduce baby food?  Or do you do it all at once?  I feel like all at once might be a bit much for her? 

I'm just trying to get ideas so I can have time to find and play with some recipes. 

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