Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sleeping help

Hi all, 

My 8 weeks old baby used to sleep 5-7 hours a night until recently. He went through a 6 week growth spur and almost stopped sleeping during the day, then a little later he is still barely sleeping during the day an hour here and an hour there, but now he is up every 3 hours during the night. He is exclusively breastfed. I have a lot of milk and before his last growth spur I was able to pump at least 13 oz at the end of the day (I would only pump once, since I was scared of him wanting to eat and me not having milk). My breast were always full during the day.

Now even when they are full to the point where they are hard, he would start eating and by the time he is done they would be empty. I am not sure what to do. I know he is eating around 6-7 oz per feeding. Also during the day he is eating every 1.5 - 2 hours, if we are outside sometimes he could take a break for 3 hours, but then later on he would be eating every hour. Also around 6 pm he starts eating every hour until 9.

What can I do? How do I get him to sleep his 5-7 hours at night like he used to? He does not take a paci and sleeps in his crib, close to the morning when I am totally sleep deprived I would take him into bed, but that is not helping anymore either.


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