Upstate NY Babies

s/o preschool

When I went to pick up Evan today I met a grandmother that dropped off food for her grandson: CocoPuffs, Peanut Butter Crackers (which they aren't allowed to have), Vienna sausages (wtf?) and a case of those "juice" jugs - not sure what they are called but they look like little barrels and have the foil top that you pull back (they've been around forever)

And here I stressed about what to send for Evan : |

I know I need to let go of certain things...but yesterday they gave them cereal bars - and all I wanted to do was say "oh really, what kind? What was in it? Was it organic? Hahaha...but I don't want to be THAT mom...not yet. They tried to give him juice and he spit it out...haha! C' you HAVE to give juice? Just give them water!

The school sent out a huge packet about acceptable foods and eating healthy so I was all excited that they would be, that must have been for show. I mean, they can't control what kids bring in for their lunch (lunchables) but do all preschools serve juice for snack? Maybe they do..


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