Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Daycare - money back?

I posted on her yesterday about DDs first day of daycare and how they made her a 9 oz bottle, fed her a little then put in the fridge. It was obvious to me they were going to keep feeding her off it throughout the day as to not waste the formula they provide. The more I thought/talked about it (thanks for your input btw), the more I just could not stand the thought of her returning there. There were other issues too but that was the big one. I luckily found an amazing in home person to watch her at the recommendation of good friends of ours. My question is... Do you think we can get our money for daycare back? We paid for the whole month but she only went 4 hours. I feel like they were not supplying safe care for my child so I believe they should refund us. Know any rules on this? 
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