2nd Trimester

Baby shower drama

I am 20 weeks along with my first baby.  I've had a few people offer to throw me showers, and I wrote out a guest list that ended up 93 people long.  We both come from huge families, so most of the guests have to be included.  I mentioned to my mother how thankful I was to have 3 people offer to throw showers, because I felt it would be nicer to split my list up.  She was appalled and basically told me I'm a greedy selfish brat that only wants 3 showers to get more gifts.  I tried to explain that the reason I was happy about having 3 showers, was I could give each host a much smaller guest list.  Handing one person a list of 93 people sounds selfish to me, not having 3 separate parties.  Now I'm feeling paranoid that maybe I am being greedy, and am starting to feel like I'd rather have zero showers.  What would you do?

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