2nd Trimester

Update: Tense Family Relationships

A bit of background: I have no relationship with my father, haven't in over 3 years (a lot of drama happened surrounding my wedding and he made the choice not to be a part of my life), and because of this I also lost my relationship with my grandparents for 2 years. I recently got my relationship back with them (about 6months ago) and am thrilled that they are back in my life. I missed them, not my father.

Fast forward to Christmas. My grandfather had major heart surgery at the end of November, and this was the first time I had seen the family since being there to visit him in the hospital. Apparently my grandparents are super pissed at my father (very long story) and they haven't spoken in the 5 weeks it's been since the surgery. The reason this is relevant to this story is I was super stressed about telling my grandparents about the baby. I was worried that they were going to tell me that my father has a Right to see His grandchild and things like that.

I am so very thankful that none of this happened.

Since it has only been 5 weeks since the surgery and my grandfather is still not 100% we did a few short visits. When we first get there they are very excited to see us, and when we told them they were going to be great-grandparents for the second time (my cousin has a 3yr old girl) they were overjoyed! 

My grandmother wants to make a baby blanket, my grandfather was making comments on how if he were to ever be pregnant (which he is too old for now) how he would find out the sex of the baby, you know, since the technology is there and everything. They immediately shared  the news with my aunt and my cousin (my aunt, who I am not close with at all called me to say congrats even!).

I am still a bit nervous about what will happen when they have a relationship with my father again, but for now I am just happy with how things went and with how loved they made me feel. They want to be a part of this child's life and that makes me so very happy. 

Thank you for all of your support and wonderful comments. They helped me go into this with a more positive frame of mind and the hope that things would work out for the best, which they have (thus far). 

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