2nd Trimester

Anyone see 3 lines but later told boy?

We had an elective ultrasound at 16 weeks to see if they could determine the sex yet.  The tech was very good and said she wouldn't tell us if she wasn't 100% certain.  We clearly saw three lines indicating girl and there was nothing dangling. My intuition has said girl the entire pregnancy as well. We are very excited to have a girl but people keep questioning us and wondering if our 20 wk a/s will say something differently.  My MIL and FIL are the top offenders; they still hope for a boy and will believe it when they see it.

Anyways, has anyone clearly saw the three lines at 16 weeks but then been told boy at their 20 week appointment??  I'm confident we're having a girl since the tech was very good about showing us everything and pointing parts of the anatomy out but these nagging comments are at the back of my mind.

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