2nd Trimester

Feeling so alone... need to vent


Lately it would seem that my DH feels that it is completely unnecessary to prepare for the birth of this baby.  He feels that childbirth classes are not needed. In his opinion, women have been having babies for centuries, and the doctors know what they are doing, so what is the point. This is so frustrating to me, this is our first baby and I want to be prepared as possible. I even looked into the express weekend class that is only 7 hours compared to the 5 week course that has 3 hour classes. I feel comforted by knowing what to expect in all aspects of labor and delivery. I also feel that the more knowledge he has, then the better he will be able to support me.during labor.

We also got into a fight the other day, which I will admit my hormones got the better of me, but I really don't want him to watch the baby coming out of me for a few reasons. When I think about being in labor I feel like I am going to be spread open like some farm animal science project for all to see and it just makes me feel so disgusting. I would rather he keep the sexual view of my vag in his head, not the birthing one. Plus, the one that got the water works, overly lonely feeling going was I stared to think about him being down south with the doctors, watching like a spectator, while I am pushing and have no one to hold my hand or rub my forehead or whatever calming mechanisms seem fit at the moment. It made me feel so alone! I tried telling him I need him to be there with me not watching, and he just caved because I was crying so hard. I know, I know, I apologized for being a prego mess, believe me.

These are many of the little things that I feel he won't put his time or energy into or try to understand from my point of view.  I hope I am not coming across as selfish, but really is it too much to expect him to support me during labor and somewhat respect my wishes?  ::::::sigh::::::::

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