2nd Trimester

Upset - 3hr glucose test

    About 2 weeks ago I failed my 1 hr glucose tolerance test. Last Thursday I went in for the 3 hr test. Which was the worst test of my life. It made me sooo sick. The fasting was difficult because I have had morning sickness off & on throughout the pregnancy. And when I don't eat I tend to throw up bile which is not pleasant, and luckily I was able to stop myself from doing. 
     Then the drink made me very ill. It made my throat itch. I felt extremely nauseous and almost vomited several times (but didn't). It also gave me diarrhea and I was a bit shaky. I honestly didt think I would be able to make it through the test. The blood lab lady let me lay down on an exam table and that helped. I'm wondering if I may be allergic to the glucose drink, perhaps chemicals or dyes in it? The drink was neon orange and looked quite toxic/radioactive to me. lol
     Anyways, I was told that if you failed 2 of the 4 blood tests you would be classified as having GD. I get a call today from the nurse saying that I failed one part of the test, and that the dr. wants me to be seen be a diabetes specialist. I failed the test that was 1 hr after taking the drink. I was 205 and normal is 180. The other three tests were normal.
    I feel like this doctor, who I've met twice, is pushing for this because I'm overweight. I feel fine, I've been eating pretty healthy, I have no history of diabetes or any family history. I know they say it can happen to anyone diabetes history or not. But I truly do not believe I have diabetes. Also the diabetes specialist they are refering me to in located in the office next door. And I'm wondering if they may be getting some kind of kickbacks for refering patients.
     I do not want to be seen be a diabetes doctor. I can't afford it. I do not want to test my blood sugars on my finger ( I am very, very uncomfortable with sticking myself with needles). And I'm very upset. I know I must sound like a baby to some people but I truly believe that my doctor is at best being overzealous and at worst using my weight as a means to unnecessarily refer me to a friend.
    I feel like a failure. I feel like if I was thin with the same results they would have said "yay, you passed the test".
    BTW I've gained no weight with this pregnancy, everything else has come back great, and baby has measured normal at every point.
    Has anyone else had this issue? Any positive advice? I feel alone.
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