Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What is wrong with my child???!!!

After 4 1/2 hours of trying to put her to sleep, I finally just broke down & put her in the swing.  It takes me this long to put her to sleep every.single.night.  Well, actually, last night it only took 2 hours, and that was the best night we've had in weeks.  After the first rock-to-sleep-put-down-wake-up-a-few-minutes-later, she starts to become hysterical & I'm assuming the cause is overtiredness?  She'll calm down & almost fall asleep, then the paci falls out or she startles and she'll start SCREAMING & flailing her limbs & clawing at her face & pulling at her hair.

Since I started putting her to bed 4 1/2 hours ago, she's had the hiccups twice (10 minutes each time), pooped 3 times, and I've nursed her 3 times.  I'm  sure some of this has to do with her tummy, since she's had green mucusy poop for 2 weeks & we've found blood in 4 different diapers in the past week.  It's not dairy, since I've already been strict dairy-free for a month.  I started block feeding on Friday every 3 hours, and her poop started changing back to yellow, but not all the way.  So I moved it to every 4-6 hours yesterday.  Now her poop is even more green & mucusy & there was blood again tonight.  I spoke to my LC tonight & she suggested pumping an ounce out of my breast right before every time I feed her for the next 3 days, and only use one breast per feeding.  Imagine me standing in my kitchen next to my table holding & rocking the screaming baby in one hand and holding both the pump on my boob AND the paci in DD's mouth for 10 minutes while I pump.

I don't even know what to do.  I know something yucky is going on in her tummy, but she's not THIS miserable all day long, although she's not happy.  She gets SO hysterical at night, and it doesn't seem to matter how many times she calms down, she gets hysterical again.  She's finally asleep in the swing & I'm afraid to move her to the bassinet now :(

I didn't even want to put her in the swing because I don't want that to be a way we put her to bed, but I was about to lose it after all those hours.  All these freaking "teach your baby to sleep" books are crap.  Baby Whisperer - "shush-pat"??  Are you serious?  No Cry Sleep Solution - put a mattress on the floor??  Weissbluth - I can't even really put my finger on what that book actually TELLS you.  Happiest Baby on the Block - what happens when you do all the S's and your kid is still screaming?  The pediatrician....well, as long as your kid is gaining weight, they really don't care how much they cry, do they?  Keeping it bright & loud during the day, having a consistent bedtime routine, starting to put her to sleep earlier....we've been doing all that for at least 2-3 weeks now.

She's almost 8 weeks old.  Isn't it supposed to be getting better by now?  This is my second child like this.  I'm starting to wonder if it's my fault, but I can't for the life of me figure out what else I could be doing that I'm not, or what I could be doing to make my kids like this.

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