2nd Trimester

Thoughts and Prayers Please! Anyone else go through this??

I posted a couple of weeks ago, about being refered to a genetic counselor, because my blood tests came back high risk for down syndrome. I had my level 2 scan today, and turns out the amniotic fluid level is low, and my baby is measuring at about 17 weeks. The heart beat is still strong and in the 160s. He thinks that the placenta isn't properly doing it's job. The kidneys and bladder are there and seem to be functioning. The dr didn't seem to be optimistic at all, saying that my baby probably won't survive. He asked me if I had any bleeding, and I said yes in the beginning, but he never let me finish my sentance and say I lost a twin earlier on. Don't twins usualy run small? I have an appointment with my regular OB on friday. I'm just curious as to if anyone else has come across this problem?

I'm a firm believer in that if it is ment to be, it will happen, and if its not ment to be, it will also happen. I have decided that this baby survived so far, for some reason when the other didn't. No matter what this is my baby and if he/she isn't going to survice, it's not going to be because of anything I chose to do.

My little pumpkin was born at 34weeks, weighing 3lbs, due to severe IUGR & Unexplained Placental Insufficiency. He spent 49 days in the NICU. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers imageimageimageimageimageimage
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