
peeved at dr office

Ok so two weeks ago I had a dr. appt and he wrote on my papers to schedule my c-section for Jan. 6th. I went back last Wednesday for my last appt. and he said that my section should be scheduled. He wrote the orders again on my papers for checkout to be on the safe side. As of Friday I hadn't received a call from the pt rep to let me know when to be at the hospital. I called this morning when they opened and left a message for the pt rep. At 2pm this afternoon I hadn't heard back from them. I called the clinic again and the pt rep was like oh I was just fixing to call you. She said that they didn't have anything available for Friday and all they had was Monday at 4pm.


I am so pissed off due to she was supposed to schedule it two weeks ago but she never did. And it took me calling this morning to remind her about it. Now I have to find someone to keep my son Monday afternoon because I didn't want him up there until I got out of recovery and was settled into a room. My doctor had also told me that it would be in the morning so I could be in the room that afternoon. 


I am gonna try as many home remedies to induce labor before then!!!!!

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