Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Doc won't give us a prescription for LO's reflux! :(

My mom has suspected my LO had reflux since we were in the hospital with him. We took him to the pediatrician yesterday who confirmed the diagnosis, but won't give him anything for it. He says that Zantac works by lowering the acid in the stomach, but the lower acid levels allow bad bacteria to get in and make LO sick. He's been in perfect health otherwise since birth and is gaining weight steadily, so the doctor just said for us to stick it out, but my poor baby is miserable :( I mostly pump and give him expressed milk, but we do supplement with Similac Sensitive at night. The doctor said since he's been showing symptoms since birth, it's unlikely that my diet has anything to do with it. Has anyone found anything other than the Zantac that works? We have to go back for shots next week and DH says that if we can't find anything to help him before then, he's going to beg the doctor for the medicine. I just want my sweet baby to feel better!!


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