2nd Trimester

Pregnancy-Induced Eczema? Please Help...


Hello, all! 

This is my very first time to post here, so please bear with me...

 My name is Emily.  I am 24 years old & 23 weeks pregnant with my very first little one (it's a boy!).  Around 6-8 weeks in my pregnancy, I began experiencing dry, flaking skin around my mouth & underneath my eyes.  It later cleared up.  Now at 23 weeks, it is back with a vengeance!  I have never had skin issues other than merely having sensitive skin.  I have tried using Neosporin, Aquaphor, etc...  but nothing seems to help.  It's dry, red & extremely painful when I put anything on it, especially makeup...

 I've heard from several sources that pregnancy can, at times, cause Eczema... is this true?  What should I do?  Should I be scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist?  I'm miserable!



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