Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Please tell me there's a growth spurt around 11 weeks...

Im not complaining overall because DS has been a very good sleeper (usually gives us an 8-10 hour first stretch!)  The past 2 nights he has woken up at 2:30am and last night at 1am and 5am.  This is not 'bad' , but for the way DS has been sleeping the last 4 weeks, this is not in the norm.  Growth spurt?  Just a short phase I hope??


Severe MFI resulting in IVF/ICSI #1 in Nov 2007. BFP!!
Our beautiful son was born July 2008.
2010: 2 IVF's,1 FET = 2 BFN's, 1 c/p :(
Feb 2011-Unmedicated FET= BFP!! DS #2 born Oct 2011!!.

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