Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Working moms with STTNers...

I'm not going back to work for another 2 months (I know it's going to FLY by) but I'm curious about the get up/get ready/get to daycare routine.

LO is just starting to consistently do 6-7 hours at night. Usually about 9-5am, then eats, back down by 6, and sleeps til 8 or 9ish when we both get up for the day. When I go back to work, I'll have to be out the door by 8:30 to do the day care drop off, and make it to work on time.

If she's sleeping, do I wake her up? And when? Should I get everything ready, and wake her at the last minute, just before I leave? Do I wake her earlier? Should I try to push back bedtime until later? What do you do?

(All given her schedule stays the same, which may be unlikely, but we'll see)
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