2nd Trimester

Anatomy Scan today! We're Team Green!!

I'm so proud of myself. I resisted the temptation to find out the sex of my babies. Whew! That was hard!

The hardest thing about being Team Green with twins is that you have ultrasounds every 2 weeks and eventually every week. I have resisted twice now, and it actually seems to get easier each time rather than harder like I thought it would. 

Most importantly, though, is that both babies look "perfect." They are measuring exactly on track, weigh ~7oz each and are both head down (which I know can change, but it's reassuring to see them both presenting that way). My cervical length was 41mm (hooray!!) which the doctor said was also perfect. 

I do have to say that I was a little disappointed that we couldn't see either baby's face. They were head down and were facing my spine the entire time, but the tech said that was actually good for the measurements she needed today, so I'll take it. 

Oh, one last thing...  I *think* I saw girl parts on one of the babies, but I'm so uncertain that I'm not willing to tell anyone and I wouldn't bet any money on being right. It's just a theory and will remain a theory.  Smile

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