2nd Trimester

Anyone else need an adult diaper??? No joke!

I was in the ER all morning yesterday when I woke up to very damp sheets.   They thought my water may have broke.  Thank GOD it was not that, otherwise this would be a very bad beginning to the New Year..  They sent me home without an answer as to what is causing it and what it is!  Today I am still soaking a pad every 2 hrs.  My OB suggested I go back to labor and delivery to be monitored but what for??  They did every test imaginable and me and baby are fine otherwise the ER would not have sent me home.  It is not ambiotic fluid they stated but also said they were not sure what else it could be..  Weird.  It seems to be coming from my bladder.   I have always had a weak bladder since I was a child so I called to schedule an appt with a uroligiost to see if there is anything they can do.  Anyone else have a really leaky bladder? 
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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