Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Daycare issue, WWYD?

I need some advice... I'm not sure what to do. DD went to her first (half) day of daycare this morning. When I picked her up at 12:15, they were giving me her bottles and pulled a full one out of the fridge. They said they made it at 11 and she only ate a little. She asked me if I wanted it or just to pour it out. Umm... Obv pour it out!

I had several issues. 1) it had been over an hour since they made it 2) there was no need to make my 8 week old a  9 ounce bottle. They were obviously going to feed her off of it all day, right? They had also fed her 5 oz at 9:15. Why would you think an 11 lb baby was hungry 2 hours later?

They provide the formula thanks to some money they get from the state so it sounds to me like they were trying to save it. I talked to the owner when we were leaving and she told me they follow the 1 hour rule and they shouldnt have made her such a big bottle. Well duh. I'm glad she knows that but it doesn't change the fact that they aren't feeding her correctly. It's hard enough to leave her with someone else but now I have to worry if they're giving my child old formula too now. I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or what.. Do you think I should give them another chance or look for somewhere else? I'm supposed to return to work tomorrow.

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