Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Disney with a 3 m/o and a 3 y/o? Am I crazy?

I've got Mickey fever....and airfare is pretty cheap for Feb/Mar.  I'm thinking about an impromtu trip.  4 days, 2 days in the park (no park on arrival/departure days), with my brother/sis-in-law/21 month old niece (and DH and both DD's, of course).

Am I totally insane?  The baby doesn't sleep well and is very fussy, I'm dairy-free right now & she is still having green, mucusy poop.  I'm block feeding to try & see if it's foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, and if it doesn't resolve by tomorrow, I'm cutting out soy, too.

But the trip is 2 months away....I hope to have her feeding/pooping issues straightened out by then.  And hopefully her sleeping schedule will be a little more predictable by then, right?  We can carry her in the Ergobaby in the park...we won't have to buy her a plane or park ticket or worry about feeding her solid food.  That makes her pretty portable, right?

I'm crazy, aren't I?  Talk me into waiting until next year.....

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