Upstate NY Babies

Post holiday cleanup

How are things now that the holidays are over?  Decorations down?  Gift wrapping supplies put away?  House clean?  Laundry done?  Gifts put away, made room for?

We took our tree down the day after Christmas, and then I got the rest of the decorations down within another day or so.  I just felt like it felt cluttered between the decorations and all the new stuff.  I cleaned out the play area before we went OOT so that there would be lots of room for new stuff!  And considering, we did pretty well - didn't get anything too big or bulky.

My kitchen is a little bit of a mess and I need to do laundry, but honestly I'm feeling pretty good and not overwhelmed.  All that post-holiday hosting / cooking, making holiday treats, etc.  Plus every time we go OOT, I feel like it takes forever for me to get caught up on laundry!

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