Upstate NY Babies

Family drama

DH found out that a more or less distant cousin of his passed away in his 20's (probably drug related).  No one in DH's immediate family really kept in touch with the cousin (I've never heard of him or met him in the 13 years I've known DH), although they did see him a lot as a kid, and everyone is going to the funeral on Friday.

DH's mom will be there, and they haven't spoken in about 4 years.  Of course that puts him in a terrible situation, I am just stressing out over it.  Last time she tried to be a part of our life, it was the worst thing I have ever gone through.  So I'm hoping that is not going to be an issue.  Things ended up being so incredibly ugly, it is hashing up all kinds of emotions and stress for me.

And, my FIL paid us back a couple $100 this Xmas, the first time he's paid us back towards the thousands loaned to him, and of course the funeral is going to cost DH probably all $400 (travel expenses, hotel, meals, new suit since he lost a ton of weight), etc.  I thought for one month we could not be worrying about bills, but now we are even more stretched thin between Xmas and these expenses.  I hate to even worry about money when it comes to someone's passing, but we don't have $400 for this right now, plus one of our cars is barely working, so DH has to take my car and I basically have to find someone to get DD from preschool and then I'm stuck at home for 2 days.

My heart goes out to this family, I cannot even imagine, although I can relate.  I definitely support DH going, and I am not complaining at all about him supporting the family.  I just wish it didn't involve all these other issues.

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