Upstate NY Babies

HLG--Is your DH on board? (It got long, sorry!)

I didn't get around to answering any HLG posts over the weekend b/c I'm not fond of posting from my phone, but I am all in!  DH and I went grocery shopping over the weekend and stocked up on chicken breasts, fruits & veggies, and some other healthier food options.  I made a big batch of apple & cinnamon oatmeal in the crock pot for our breakfasts for the week (  I hope to do this every Sunday night.  I'm not a huge fan of oatmeal, but I'm learning to like it.

We tried this health change about 3 years ago and had some success, then I got pg, had a m/c, and have basically been pg and/or BFing for the past 2.5 years.  I have a LOT of weight to lose but hope to set small goals for myself (first goal is 15lbs. by Stella's 2nd birthday on March 31).  I want to get my eating under control and then add in some walking sessions on my ILs treadmill 3-4 days/week.  This goes along with my other "resolution" of taking some time for myself.

Anyway, when DH & I did this back in '08, DH went all out.  Only eating Wheaties for breakfast, PB&J on ww bread, carrots, almonds, chicken, water, no cheat meals at all.  He got this idea from Men's Health and lost quite a bit of weight.  I take more of a healthy eating/WW style approach, eating more fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean meats, etc.  We agreed on having pizza once/month (our go-to take out meal).  He seems more on board with this way of doing things this time around so we are definitely in this together and it's nice to have the support...from him and from you ladies!  Good luck everyone!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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