2nd Trimester

Not about pregnancy, but I'm pregnant and need to vent!

Okay, this is going to be kind of long but I really need to vent and get some advice.

When I first meet my MIL, she was very sweet to me. Although something always seemed off about her. It was like she would tell you lies constantly. For example, she would say something like, oh, I'm doing that tomorrow and then a week later its still not done, or I got that taken care of already and then come to find out nothing was done. It was always slightly annoying knowing that you couldn't really count on what she was saying, but she was always nice to me so I just wrote it off. 

Since about January 2011, she has been complaining that she isn't feeling well. We would constantly ask her if she went to the doctor, she said she did and the doctor would tell her its this. But then a week later she had gone to another doctor and now they think its this. It was so confusing!  In September she lost her lease on her home (we found out she hadn't paid the rent in two months) and moved in with DH's sister. Well it turned out she was so sick that his sister took her to the ER that night. We come to find out she has stage 4 colon cancer which no one, not even her, knew about. When I looked up the symptoms for colon cancer, every one of them fit her. I find it hard to believe that no doctor would pick up on it.

Anyways, since then my DH has been really bitter against his mother, he felt like her not going to the doctor sooner ruined our wedding because it was hard to be happy with his mother in the hospital. Lately though, its gotten worse. She refuses to believe there is anything seriously wrong with her. If you try to point out that she needs to take it seriously and follow the orders of the doctor, she just called you negative and doesn't want to talk to you. 

This all came to a head when I was sitting in the hosptial room with her this past week. The doctor had come in and was telling her what happened (her kidneys were failing again). Well her daughter came in after the doctor left and I was explaining to her what the doctor had said, word for word. The next day, when DH went to visit her. She informed him that I was extremely negative and she doesn't want that around her. Well of course that got him really upset and he got into a bit of an argument with her. 

So here is where I'm at. I've always been an honest person, I don't like lying. So do I just pretend like she is alright and there is nothing wrong like she would like. Do I just keep being me? I just don't know what to do and its really upsetting to me. 

Sorry for the extra long post! I just felt like the backstory was important. 

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