Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone else have a MIL like this?

She told DH last night that she was going to come this morning to see the girls.  She didn't say what time, but we were home cleaning around the house, so whatever.  DH told her ahead of time that the baby might be sleeping when she got here if she was coming in the morning.  She said fine, eventually she'll need to eat & I'll play with her after that.

So around 9:15 she showed up and DD had fallen asleep nursing at 8:45 in my room, so I put her down in the bassinet for her nap.  As soon as the baby made a peep on the monitor (she was making sleeping noises) MIL said "I hear the baby!!" like 3 times.  DH told her she was still sleeping, and MIL got annoyed & said "I can't even go up there and SEE her??".  She was pissed that we didn't want her going into the bedroom to possibly wake the baby up from a needed nap because she couldn't wait a little while.  She said something about how she came all the way to our house to see the girls & we won't even let her go in & see the baby while she's sleeping.  This is the 2nd time she's asked to go into the room & see the baby while she's sleeping.

First off, you're an adult.  Grow up. She's up half the night, and when she needs to sleep, she needs to sleep.  Second, don't give me the crap about how you drove all this way to see her.  5 years ago we moved an hour south of our jobs & families & commute now because after 2 years of looking, we couldn't find a house we could afford farther north.  We've lived here for a long time now.  You JUST bought a house 6 months ago and chose to buy it an hour away from your only son & only grandkids.  That was your decision, don't make me wake my 7 week old baby up from a nap because YOU'RE pissed off that you have to drive an hour to my house.  Plus, we were just at your house 3 days ago.  You didn't hear us complain about the drive, did you?  And I didn't ask you to make a special dinner for me because I have to be dairy-free for the baby?  And I didn't complain when I couldn't eat anything you made....and I didn't slap you upside the head when you told me I should stop breastfeeding DD & give her formula because she has a milk protein allergy, or when you implied that it was MY fault that she had the allergy to begin with.

Ugh.  And when my 3 year old tells you you are not in her family, don't scream at her as if she actually understands what that means.  She knows that her, me, DH and the baby are a family.  She doesn't get the concept of extended family yet.  She's three.  She thinks the kid down the street is her cousin.

So glad she was only here for a few hours....Angry

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