2nd Trimester

Can anyone recommend a natural, drug-free, positive birthing show?

I am watching One Born Every Minute, which is better then Baby Story IMO- BUT I can't stand all the fear, c-sections, epidurals, drama, etc. I will be having a natural birth (following in the footsteps of my mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother, etc.).

Can anyone recommend a show or documentary (I have already seen Pregnant in America and Business of Being Born) that focuses on a more traditional, natural, and positive birthing experience?

I heard of one I think on TLC called "Free Birthing" I think??? If I remember right I think these women had little or no medical care, which I disagree with (I'm interested in natural birth NOT anti-doctor!)- Id be willing to watch anyway even if this is the case just to see the natural birthing experience.... but I cant seem to find it in the tv listings... maybe it was called something else? 

Any suggestions? 

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