2nd Trimester

"Meet the baby" bash? WDYT?

Hello ladies, this is our second baby so we are not having a shower.  I remember from the first time being so over tired and people just stopping by with a moment?s notice or even unannounced and it stressed me out. 

So I was thinking to try to avoid that I could throw (or have MIL throw) a ?meet the baby? party about a week after the baby comes.  Just a little get together so people can come see the baby and MAYBE bring a casserole or something we can freeze and cook easily. 

What do you think about that?  Is it okay to throw this and ask people to bring a dish?  Also should I send the invites and have it at our house or should I ask MIL to throw it (which she would LOVE to do)?

Or am I delusional that this will actually stop people from coming over on their own to see the baby?

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