Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone using nutramigen formula?

I posted many post in the last few days about LOs gas and BM problems. I have tried gas drops, gripe water, rubbing his tummy, switching bottles, just about everything to help him. This morning LO wouldnt stop crying after I feed him. I started cry because I had no idea what to do so I called the doctor. She said to switch to nutramigen formula. I looked it up online and read some reviews. Most say it works great but their LOs didn't like the taste. Just looking for you opinions about the formula. Did it work for you? How long untill you noticed a difference? How long did you keep LO on the nutramlgen?
1064-1 bouncebounce Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since June 2009 BFP April 2010 .. miscarriage May 2011 BFP March 25th 2011 Ryan Michael was born 11/30/11 6lbs 0.4 oz 18 inches long!!!
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