February 2011 Moms

Hello, and question about nighttime diapers

Hey! I am new, previously used this board to get anwsers to my questions as I am a first time mommy to a son born 02/23/11. My question for yall is this. My son is a very VERY heavy wetter at night. We've been using Pampers night time diapers, and until recently they've worked great. Now, I am having to change him 2/3 times at night, and he is STILL leaking through and wetting the bed! I've tried cloth, and regular diapers, but changing him means waking him up, and getting him back to sleep takes at least an hour. Anyone have any ideas? The only thing I can think of at this point is the fit might be to snug now and we need to go up a size. I would appreciate any help or ideas! Thanks!
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