Babies: 0 - 3 Months

nanny dilemma...sorry its long, but i had to vent

here is a story.. i hired this nanny about 5 weeks ago, she seemed like a decent person and was recommended to me. so far so good.. (i work very close to home and max hours a day that i had to leave LO with her was 4 hrs). every day upon my return home she was reporting how the day went.. baby ate, slept, pooped etc.. so finally on thursday night we installed a security system, she knew about it and didnt seem concerned. on friday morning nanny arrived like always and i gave her clear instructions. the baby woke up, i already changed him, he just finished eating and is wide awake, as he had a good night of sleep. i would like for him to remain awake for like an hour and also play in his mobile gym before he goes to sleep. she said ok and i left to work. mind u, i think i am a nice person.. i always offer her tea and cookies and the only rules i have to be with the baby in the same room and always answer the phone. 

 when i got to work something told me to look at the cameras.. this was the 1st time ever that i looked. so i see the baby (20 min after i left home) laying on his changing table wide awake and moving his arms and legs (playing with himself)  and the nanny sitting next to him, drinking tea, yawning and staring at the wall... my heartbeat must have risen to 200... she paid 0 attention to LO for good 15 min, time to time she just looked over to him.. basically she was just waiting for him to let some energy out so she could put him back to sleep... 

 that day i returned home an hour earlier and pretty much had my laptop next to me with cameras on the entire time... nanny pretty much just did what was necessary. she changed him, fed him and then put him to sleep again, she never even tried putting him in his mobile gym that day... mind u my baby is 8 weeks old already, he doesnt sleep all day long!!!  

here is a thing, although the baby is safe, clean and not hungry, i feel like this lady doesnt even like babies... she acts like she misses him when she 1st arrives, she takes him and sings to him, and when i leave she is blank like a wall and pays no attention to him, i was so angry, but i didnt fire her (yet).

also i called that day, 3 times!!!!!  and she didnt pick up the phone. when she finally called me back she said the phone was on silence (because obviously she didnt want the baby to wake up). throughout the 3 hrs she spent time in the kitchen making tea and sandwiches for herself, watching tv and making sure baby sleeps. so there is nothing done that contributes to his development, zero tummy time, zero music, and barely talking to baby. 

here is a question, should i talk to her and make my expectations clear, or should i let her go?  

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