Single Parents

It looks like I'll be a single mom

I wanted to post this earlier but I guess I was hoping it wouldn't continue to be true. The day after Christmas SO and I got in a huge fight and he packed up and left. It's been completely awful ever since. I hate going to childbirth classes and OB appointments without him and I'm so scared of doing this alone.

It was my fault he left, and there's nothing I can do about it. I've been so unbearably sad, I just don't know what to do. I want to make it up to him and show him how much I love him but he's not willing to give it another chance.

I'm due in six weeks and I'm so so sad that we're bringing our daughter into a broken home. I thought I was about to have a perfect happy family but instead it's full of hurt and guilt and pain.

Any advice would be very welcome. Please.

(also posted on the February 2012 board)

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