Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Ftm-BF Question

I'm sure at this point it's been asked or mentioned so I apologize! I just gave birth on Wednesday to my lo and have been bf, not exclusively as we did bottle feed 3 times bc lo would not latch. He did great the first night and things have been ok since I got home Friday. I guess my question(s) has to do with duration and latching. Lo latches well, I assume as my nurses never said otherwise and didn't send in a lactation consultant while we were there, but it honestly kills when he feeds for like the first 30seconds. I'm following everything that we were given for positions and all that but still feel like I'm not doing it right.then I get paranoid that I messed everything up by giving him a bottle. My nipples are cracked and sore and I'm reading that by now, literally everything should be a breeze. I dont want to quit because i know it will get better, but im so frustrated. 

My second question is duration. Lo usually eats from 25-50 min per feeding. He sometimes seems hungry after that, so now I'm freaked out that I'm not feeding him enough or for as long as I should. We have his first peds apt on Tuesday and I'm going to try to meet with the lactation consultant then but was wondering if anyone had any advice/recommendations . Thanks so much in advance!! 

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