Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Please tell me it gets easier...need some encouragement

Our little boy is now 2 weeks old and I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster since he was born. It has been really hard because right after he was born was Christmas and of course DH's ex wife couldnt watch their son at all and give us time to adjust, so SS spent the week crying that he was bored (he is almost 9 and cant self-entertain) and being jealous of the baby. That pushed me almost to breaking point, especially because I am so tired. DS sleeps in about 1 to 2 hour increments each night, and I am completely exhausted at this point. At least we have had 4 days off from SS, but now he is back tomorrow and they are still off school so I am having anxiety that it is going to be a nightmare again.

I am also stressed because DH travels for his job and after having 2 weeks off he is going back to traveling again this week so it is going to be just me and LO. DH has been good with helping with LO, but a lot of it is DH holding LO or pushing him in his swing while DH works. I am left to wash bottles, clean up, and of course do the diapers. It is exhausting. I also pump because LO has latching problems so I am pumping 5 times a day including in the middle of the night.

I know it is probably just because I am exhausted and emotional, but I just hope that it gets better. I am worried I will never sleep again and things will never feel "normal" again. I know I am completely blessed to have LO, but I guess I never realized parenthood was so hard!

Between dealing with SS and with DH going back to traveling, I feel overwhelmed. I just need some encouragement today.

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