Single Parents

Happy New Years Ladies!

I guess this is my intro post. Im not new to being a single parent, my daughters father is not involved and has never been. I havent spoken to him since I was about 2 months pregnant and my dd will be 2 this month. Having him out of our lives is for the better. He was a drug user and was mentally and verbally abusive towards me and I did not want my child to be around that. He had other children with another ex who he was physically abusive towards so I knew that he wouldnt change if a baby came along.

I have lurked around here the past 2 years and figured that it was time to say hello. I dont have much to offer advice wise because I dont have experience with courts, cs or dealing with him. But I can offer some hope and words of encouragement.

I dont know any single parents in my real life and my friends dont understand how I feel sometimes. I live at home with my parents who are a HUGE help and are there for my daughter and myself. I have tons of support and with out that I dont know where I would be.

Sorry if I rambled on but wanted to quickly introduce myself and say hello and happy new year! Hope to get to know you all.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
I made it past my goal I nursed for 1 year and 6 weeks! Im so proud of myself!
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