2nd Trimester

Scary News

My husband and I had our first ultrasound at 12w4d (which was amazing...I watch the dvd almost daily!).  We both have always wanted a baby and have been so excited since we found out (but I was careful to get too excited until after the 12 week point).  Once we thought we were out of the woods we told everybody and they have all been so amazing...just as excited as us.  Well, at the last OB visit, my doctor (who I love) told us that on the ultrasound report it is noted that I have a partial septum in my uterus - which could cause some problems and puts me back to feeling as though I cannot get too excited because I could still lose our baby.  Everybody tells me not to worry and to remain positive, but in my mind I need to prepare myself for whatever news is to come. I am still eating and sleeping just fine so my worry isn't effecting me that bad...

My question is...have any of you had this; and if so, was your outcome positive?  I know each situation is different, but I am just scared.  The chance for a miscarriage in the second is greater and the chance for a live birth is lower.  If I do have a live birth, it is my understanding that baby has to come when baby has to come (hopefully I can make it until 30 weeks) and we are looking at low birth weight with possible physical/mental challenges.  I am really trying to focus on the positive and listen to what friends, family and husband say (.."oh you worry too much, everything will be fine..."), but I also need to consider the information I found.  After whatever the outcome is for our baby, my doctor wants to do the surgery to remove my septum.  Does anybody know if that can be done during C-section?  Thanks all and Happy New Year!!!  : ) 

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