Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Regretting what I wanted?

My LO has need to be swaddled (since she fails) and rocked to sleep since birth...and when I would set her down she would wake and I was getting so stressed about not being able to put her down to do anything. 

Well just 2 nights ago we did our usual bedtime routine and I swaddled and rocked her...she kept wiggling and fussing (not untypical), but it was longer than usual. So I said "ok you want out of this swaddle huh? Let's see". I unswaddled her and she feel asleep in my arms in 3 minutes. I set her down for the night. I watched her on our monitor and she failed every now and again, but fell back to sleep w/o needed me to help her. Then the next day I tried to put her down for naps unswaddled and she didn't need me to put her to sleep...I helped her get on her side and she was comfortable and was falling asleep. I was so amazed. This is what I have been wanting!! 

She continues to sleep on her side, unswaddled now. She does wake when her paci falls out or she fails and wakes herself, but I just go in there and replace her paci and adjust her and she falls back to sleep...I dont even have to pick her back up. I love it, but I am also sad that she is becoming independent and doesn't need her mommy to fall asleep anymore, lol. Its definitely a bittersweet feeling!! 

Any other mommies feel this way already? 

photo b5880bbf-17e0-491c-8d1e-181ee8707670_zps6b0bf0b5.jpg Lilypie First Birthday tickers
My BFP Chart
Aug 19, 2010 ParaGuard IUD Removed
Sept 7, 2010 Dx w/Hypothyroidism (TSH 6.7) Began taking Levothyroxine
Feb 15, 2010 BFP with #1
Nov 1, 2011 DD1 Born
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