2nd Trimester

It's a girl !!!

I am 19weeks along and yesterday we got the ultrasound. The tech said that she didnt' see any boy parts and then said she saw girl parts. But she also said she was kinda sitting on it. Now, my boyfriend and I are very happy we're having a girl but he is still kind of uncertain whether or not to believe its a girl. Maybe the tech is wrong? I compared a friend's u/s around the same time and her little boy was clearly a boy so I don't understand why my BF is being so uncertain. I'd like to start looking more seriously in girl stuff and such but my BF is being reserved. I'm afraid he's expecting another u/s but as far as I know, unless they find reason to order another one, this was it. How can I reassure my BF that he's going to have a daughter? I'm aware u/s don't always pick up everything but at the same time... they're usually right, right?


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