Babies: 0 - 3 Months

MIL constantly visiting....HELP!

Since my LO was born (4 weeks ago) I am a FTM and my MIL has been visiting constantly.  I am a very private person to begin with, but I feel like the times when my husband and I have a day off together, we should be spending the time with eachother trying to be a family.  Since the hospital, we have had 3 days off together with no visitors.  The day I got back from the hospital we had about 10 people over within 1 hour of getting home.  The following weekend, we had a surprise bday party for BIL with 50 people at the house. (note: I am EBF) The following weekend was Christmas....Christmas eve we had 3 places to go and we hosted Christmas at our house.  Now MIL is mad that I said she cant visit tonight.  I feel like people on his side should be more understanding.  My side is.  What does everyone else think? My LO BFs at least every 2-3 hours and when he gets hungry, the visitors think they can calm him down.....but he is hungry!  Just given him to me so I can feed him and he can stop crying!  I am getting so frustrated and I feel like it is interfering with my marriage at times!!
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