Upstate NY Babies

Roc Girls - Luvaboos

Has anyone gone to their store for classes?  I'm just wondering what kind of atmosphere it is.  Pretty laid back where I can bring a baby and a toddler?  Or is it more where I would need to be focusing on dd the whole time to keep her in line?  Also, I am assuming the classroom is seperated from the entire store so that dd isn't just running down aisles and destroying merchandise?

They have some free classes (a cloth diapering one, a baby wearing one, some story times, and a music class) and some that are $ but in line with other prices I have seen (sign language and yoga).

I signed up for the 1 day baby wearing class bc I want to give the moby a try for ds.  That one I will leave dd at home.  I have a moby that I bought from someone, but it feels very overwhelming to me.  With dd I loved the ergo once she hit about 3 months old, but before that I used the sling that they recalled bc of deaths (yikes).

But I also signed up for the 6 week Tuesday morning music and rhythm classes (if anyone wants to join us, I would LOVE that!).  I called and they said the age group they get is anywhere from 5 months up to 4 years old.  It is free, so I don't mind having to miss it when ds is born.  But I am hoping it is the type of thing I can bring him along and that way give dd something to do and get us both out of the house.

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