Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How much does LO sleep during the day?

LO is 11 weeks old. He slept last night for a 6 hour stretch, which is the best he's ever done! I don't want to get my hopes up, but normally his sleep is 2-3 hour stretches which is hard, as i continue to exist being exhausted.

He's a not a good sleeper during the day either. Maybe 45 minute catnaps, then awake from 45 minutes to 2 day seems like a constant battle of him being fussy and over tired and  me trying to get him to go to sleep.

Yesterday we played with the glow worm, had some tummy time, watched baby einstein and then he passed out sitting on my maybe that's what i need to keep doing--trying to stimulate his motor skills and mind so he gets tired...anyone else? 

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