Babies: 0 - 3 Months

You people that are "supposedly" having sex.....

WHERE and WHEN is this mysterious event occuring??  Particularly those of you that also have older children....when the heck are you able to have sex?

My 7 w/o is still not falling asleep until midnight (after 4 hours of crying & us trying to rock & nurse  her to sleep), and our toddler is up at 7 am, with the baby up twice during the night (and going back to sleep after eating IF we're LUCKY).  By the time the baby is asleep, I know I have maybe 2 hours before I have to wake up again to feed her.  I chose sleep last night.  And also I'm not too groovy with having sex with the baby in the bassinet next to the bed.  Plus our bed is creaky and after 4 hours of trying to get her to sleep, I really don't want to wake her up.

Anyone else on board with me?

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